Angelo Mascherpa
The aim of this article is to show the possibility and convenience of using cinema productions in teaching philosophy. The reasoning derives from works of academics such as Julio Cabrera, Cine: 100 años de filosofìa (1999), Umberto Curi, Lo schermo del pensiero (2000), Andrea Sani, Il cinema tra storia e filosofia (2002) and from a decade of experimentation by its author as a philosophy teacher in High Schools. The main idea is that cinema, through his specific language, is able to achieve an emotional impact to the world and human life. This is possible by the construction of “visual concepts” providing an initial experience to the cognitive appropriation of the philosophical themes, even if they are not replacements of the philosophical reasoning. In order to demonstrate that, here you can find the analysis of the films The Truman Show and Matrix, about the problem of knowledge between reality and representation.