Sofia Quaglia

War and globalization have jointly moved millions of human beings around the world and together have changed the terms of collective coexistence. They generate a feeling of widespread instability, in front of which politics has reacted and continues to react by building physical and psychological barriers. Is such closure an adequate reaction for an era that defines itself as liberal and cosmopolitan? Why do people need to feel protected? Is a community possible in these circumstances? These are the questions that guided this investigation which combines the works of Peter Sloterdijk and Roberto Esposito, two contemporary philosophers that, although from different backgrounds, can be seen as complementary to one another. The present article consists of three parts. Firstly, with Sloterdijk, we will investigate subjectivity and new communities. Deconstructing the concept of society in all its archetypal theorization, we will realize how his theoretical reformulation is lacking an authentic understanding of community. Assuming this led Sloterdijk to an impasse, we will secondly, continue with Roberto Esposito, who densely studied community, starting from its etymological origin to its current trajectory by constructing a paradigm of the subject that had to build up its immunities to live in a society. Lastly, is a sketch of personal reflections on the conclusions of the two authors and the controversy between them. In addition, a proposition of a solution to the antinomies left
unresolved by both of them.