Silvia Zanelli

This article focuses on Deleuze’s critique of the notion of subject. The French author wants to replace the inveterate image of the individual -often thought of as a monolithic tabernacle or as a reified ὑποκείμενον-, with the more fluid representation of a subjectivity in motion, composed of events, effects, “zig-zag”, intensity and speed that proceeding at various stratigraphic levels, composes geographies of lines, heterogeneous in their variability. Deleuze, however, does not stop here. Indeed, the Deleuzian intent does not lie solely in the desire to weaken the idea of subjectivity. He asks for something more, stripping away from any residual form of anthropocentrism: the goal of Ethics is becoming-impersonal. In the first section the article focuses on a fundamental question: what space is assigned to subjectivity, in an impersonal ontology, where experience is configured as a pure flow? In the second part of the text, I take into account three types of concepts that further demonstrate the fluidity of the subject: the notion of the individual as composed of lines, the notion of limit and the notion of becoming, in particular of becoming-other. Ultimately, the aim of the article is to highlight how Deleuze’s thought is an indispensable starting point to build a fruitful, non-dogmatic and nonreifying philosophical investigation of the concept of subject, proposing however some critical notes.

Geografie del soggetto nel pensiero deleuziano
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