Andrea F. de Donato

This article aims to reconstruct a recurring logical structure within Deleuzian philosophy. In this sense, it will be studied some significant places in which Deleuze articulates a specific logic through which he conveys the typical concepts of difference and repetition in opposition to the Image of Thought. In particular, starting from some passages of Marcel Proust et les signes, it will be showed how Deleuze seems to make the transition from the treatment of logically articulated elements to the description of ontological entities conceived according to their own modal logic. Next, the structuring of such an ontology will be examined, specifically connoting it as an ontology of the logical trigger . A propositional structure and a particular articulation of the transcendental of such an ontology will be explored. Finally, the analysis will focus on the modal connotation of such an ontology, delving into certain passages of Différence et répétition in which the problem of the potency of the entity is discussed, thus leading to the study of the concept of pure potential function. It will be concluded that the logical structure of Deleuzian ontology corresponds to a reversal of the classical concept of the transcendental, but also to the reversal and re-proposition of the classical logical principles of predication and sufficient reason.​

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