Davide Russo

There is a close connection between gestures and words because it is almost impossible talking about the Mind-Body problem without an analysis of the relation between language and thinking. The idea of co-evolution between language and thinking, proposed by T.W. Deacon is a conceptual frame to redefine the complex relation between nature and culture, biological evolution, and cultural evolution. The roots of that discussion were in the philosophical conflict between rationalists and empirists of XVII century, and in the Darwinist theory of evolution. Gestures of our related species, like chimpanzees or bonobos, are very flexible and context – sensitive, closely related at social goals and interest. Michael Tomasello thinks that human language is born from a communicative system of gestures inside a common social context. It is the original linking between gestures and words, an idea of continuity derived from an evolutionistic point of view. Strictly related at the topic is the use of tools. Galimberti says that gesture is a human distinctive trait because he is the only animal that uses tools in his relationship with the world, but there are opposite evidences derived from different fields, like primatology and paleo-anthropology. Tattersal thinks that the construction of tools requires specific cognitive abilities: there was a gradual process both in the elaboration of technologies and in the improving of knowledge, with a lot of trials and errors. The connection between gestures, words and the use of tools is central also in the field of education, especially in the pedagogy of body, because every narration is originated from the body and there is no distinction between action and symbolization in the daily educative relation.

Per una genesi dell’intreccio tra gesto, parola e utilizzo di strumenti
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